Building a professional website on our own tends to be unsatisfactory and frustrating.
Here are three key reasons why:
• Speaking about one own’s brand story tends to require a lot of reflection and editing copy.
• Building with DIY template website builders requires a huge learning curve and time commitment (despite the ease of use often marketed by these companies).
• Lack of knowledge of key components for a great website.
With the following collaborative process, I will guide you to a bespoke website you and your dream client will love:
Immersive Discovery
Big ideas often start small—like sketches in a notebook. Together, we dive deep into your brand position amongst your peers and competitors.
After gaining an understanding for your positioning, we gather ideas, references, and visual inspirations to shape a clear and authentic creative direction.
Strategy & Concept
Unfortunately, a pretty website alone do not sell things, words sell things. Here we define a clear strategy, which includes SEO and copywriting, in getting your creative vision and messaging across to your audience.
Construction of Website
Ideas are worth nothing unless executed. The designing and building of your new website will be guided by our strategy and creative vision. It is normal in this phase to expect some tweaks of our original plan as we discover what works and what does not.
Site Publishing & Post-Launch
All the hard work has come to this moment, it is the time to show the world what we have created. It is important to take note that maintaining and optimising the site post launch will be extremely important. This should not be hard as I would have build a CMS system for you to make future adjustments on your own.